Chiropractic Arts Center of Austin, P.C. Blog

Chiropractic Austin TX Ergonomics for School

Ergonomic Tips For Youth in Austin TX

Ergonomic Tips For Youth in Austin TX Today, technology and digital devices have become part of our lives and it is imperative that we prioritize their well-being amongst young people. As children and teenagers spend increasing amounts of time at school and home, it is becoming more essential that proper ergonomic practices be put in…

Chiropractic Austin TX Gut Health

Solutions For Heartburn And Hiatal Hernia (Gerd) in Austin TX

Solutions For Heartburn And Hiatal Hernia (Gerd) in Austin TX GERD (GASTRO-ESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE) Acid reflux in Austin TX is a common condition that includes a burning pain, known as heartburn, in the upper or middle chest area. It happens when stomach acid flows up into the esophagus (food pipe). When acid reflux occurs more…

Chiropractic Austin TX 270 MPH

270 MPH in Austin TX

270 MPH in Austin TX Do you know what travels at the speed of 270 mph? That’s faster than the Ferrari F12 and Lamborghini Aventador! While the Bugatti has surpassed 300 MPH and Superman was faster than a speeding bullet at 1800 mph, the human brain’s nervous system in Austin TX is pretty impressive sending…

Chiropractic Austin TX How Much Water

How Much Water Should You Drink in Austin TX?

How Much Water Should You Drink in Austin TX? When it comes to the dog days of summer, it is HOT! And it’s more important than ever to stay well hydrated in Austin TX. In this heat, dehydration can quickly lead to heat exhaustion and then progress to heatstroke. This is a very dangerous medical…

Chiropractic Austin TX Heart Hands

Are Germs Good For You in Austin TX?

Are Germs Good For You in Austin TX? Do you eat germs in Austin TX? Yes, you do. Lots of them. So, why aren’t you sick? Because your immune system fights them off and keeps you healthy. And many germs are actually healthy. These bacteria, yeasts, and viruses – of which there are around 100…

Chiropractic Austin TX One Shoulder Higher

Why Is One Shoulder Higher in Austin TX?

Why Is One Shoulder Higher in Austin TX? Have you ever looked in the mirror and noticed that one shoulder is higher than the other? Or that your shirt tends to look crooked or always falls off one shoulder? Many people notice this and write it off as “just a high shoulder” or “this shirt…